SPRING: May 6-8, 2025 • Louisville, KY
FALL: November 3-5, 2025 • Nashville, TN

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People we meet make quick decisions about us. Should they hire us? Trust us? The most successful leaders make an unforgettable first impression. They immediately reveal who they are, what they represent as a leader, and how they serve the organization they work for. They influence the message they send to others by displaying a strong executive presence and by being mindful of the first impression they leave behind for their employees, clients, shareholders, and the industry they are part of. Sylvie will show you how you can influence the message you send to others and how successful leaders shape and mold their first impression in their favor. Walk away with a clear understanding of the impact your first impression has on their leadership abilities and how to use your appearance, behavior, and communication to be perceived as confident, authentic, professional, controlled, and respectful.

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